Category Archives: MOPPAN

MOPPAN starts a blog


Sani Muazu, current President of MOPPAN (c) Sani Muazu from his blog

The Motion Picture Practitioners of Nigeria, the umbrella body for nothern Nigerian filmmakers, has recently opened a blog. MOPPAN gives more information about itself in the “About” section of the blog:

MOPPAN is one of the recognized professional Film Associations,and the only one north of the Niger. It was incorporated by CAC Nos. 16,973 in 2004.MOPPAN, is an umbrella body providing guidance and capacity building for the development of the industry not only in Kano, but in the northern part of Nigeria. The Association, over the years, has as its affiliates several guilds of professionals, business Associations and artisans under its umbrella. Some of these bodies like the Film Makers/Producers’ Association, Guild of Nigerian Film Director’s, Artistes Council or Nigerian Actors’ Guild, Motion Picture Editors Guild M-PEG, Cinematographers Association of Nigeria, Guild of Nigerian Film Designers, Film Music Producers’ and composers, Cassette Sellers and Marketing Association, Cinema/theatre owners Association of Nigeria and the script writers. Within the last 20 years or so, thousands of Nigerian video Films were released into the market of which over 33% of these being Kannywood Films. Today Nigeria turns out about 1000 films every year, generating 300,000 functional jobs and a turnover of more than 5 billion Naira.

So far, MOPPAN has posted important membership information on the blog, including the contact information for its executive members, advisors, trustees, and major stakeholders,   the MOPPAN code of conduct for its members, and the MOPPAN constitution.

There is the option to follow the blog, at the bottom of the site. For more information, see the MOPPAN blog.